Sunday, May 11, 2014

Productive Guilt

In today's leadership guide for session 10 exists this questions about living a simple lifestyle.
  • How can we discuss lifestyle issues in ways that inspire change rather than unproductive guilt?
Commonly shared is the influence of guilt and fear on our lives. It can nudge us to make changes for the better or can shut down dialogue and action. Guilt is closely associated with shame and shame is not an elegant feeling.  It takes a great deal of courage to share openly when shame is involved.

Fear is terribly effective at changing behavior, stopping conversation and diverting all energies since it triggers our built-in flight or fight response.

How does guilt and fear relate to simple living?  Try sharing your ideas for how to live simply or sustainably and you'll quickly see. The natural response is to defend and rationalize current practices, invalidate the idea through criticism or minimize the importance of the idea.

What steps can you take, small as you think it might be, to live more simply?  What ideas do you think you could implement, in the next hour? 

If someone shares an idea with you, check your first reaction or instinct. Are you allowing the person to share without criticism? Do you feel defensive, perhaps indignant or even a hint of shame?

Learning how to discuss simple living is almost as important, and difficult, as finding ways to live simply. Give yourself the grace to try simpler ways so you can do the same for others.

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