- Acts of Kindness – a compilation of 80 acts of kindness that family members committed to doing
- Donating/gifting animals through Heifer Project International http://www.heifer.org/gift-catalog/index.html
- Donating/gifting trees through Trees for Life International https://www.treesforlife.org/our-work/our-initiatives/moringa
- Handmade items such as a knitted scarf, wooden utensils, knitted dish cloths
- Gift items available from Soup of Success http://soupofsuccess.com/our-products/
- Membership in Seed to Feed, a program of Church Community Services that grows food locally for distribution to food pantries http://churchcommunityservices.org/services/seed-to-feed/
- Gift the tuition fee for the Master Gardening Program offered through the Purdue extension office http://www.hort.purdue.edu/mg/become.html
- Gift catalogs from:
Ten Thousand Villages http://www.tenthousandvillages.com/
Mennonite Mission Network (MMN) https://www.formstack.com/forms/MMNGiving-GiftCatalog
Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) http://www.meda.org/ways-to-give/gift-solutions-catalogue

- Home roasted nuts – you can do this on your grill. This goes better with a cage to turn the nuts as they roast.
- Homemade peanut butter
- Prayer flags
- Luminaries made by tracing photographs on paper attached to a jar with a tea light inside
- Gift of kindness – money given to be used to help out someone else
- Baskets available at the Farmer’s Market
- Homemade tea box
- Homemade wooden Christmas tree ornaments
- Homemade bags for wrapping gifts
- Soap making
- Scarves made from old t-shirts
- Make homemade vanilla extract
- Make chai spiced honey from Kathy’s recipe
- Make pies or other food items to give as gifts
- Gifts of time such as folding laundry, cleaning, babysitting, leaf raking
- Gifts that kids can make: homemade coffee mug, rag doll made from discarded t-shirts and socks, bug catcher
- Collect and give wild hazelnuts or black walnuts
- Dad’s Wild Jelly available at the Farmer’s Market (Note: we sampled the “Serviceberry” flavor made from local June berries with Tim’s homemade peanut butter on Rachel’s bread–delicious!)
- Smucker’s maple syrup (made by George and Barbara Smucker)
- Small calendars made from a sheet of 8.5x11 paper cut in 12 sections and hand lettered
- Jellies made from Washington state blackberries
- Homemade applesauce
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